image of Jason image of Jason's cutout

hello, it's me
Jason Zhang

a programmer who loves to

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So who am I?

I am a 3rd year undergraduate student at Georgia Tech, majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Industial Design. My main areas of focus are front-end development, user interface design, and software development.

Fun fact: I spent 5 birthdays in the air.

image of Jason image of Jason's cutout

What are my skills?



HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Java, Python, MySql

Mandarin (native), Korean (elementary)


UI/UX Design, Product Design, Wireframing, Prototyping, UI Development


Teamwork, Leadership, Organization, Fast Learner, Smiling :)

Relavent Courses

Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures & Algorithms, Information Visualization, Human Computer Interaction, Operating Systems, Intro to AI, Experimental Prototyping

What have I been creating?

Personal Website

You are already on this page :)

Sunnyside Website

project source files will be up soon :)

Joke Generator

project source files will be up soon :)

Clock Site - Coming Soon!

project source files will be up soon :)

you've reached the end of this page, but before you go

Let's connect

Designed & Built by Jason Zhang